Deepen regional cooperation of Macao-Hengqin and expand talents exchange

Macao’s NPC deputies and CPPCC members focused on the development of Macao-Hengqin during the two sessions last month. The key problem in Macau is the lack of industry diversification, with the exception of gambling and tourism, other industries have not developed at all. Economic development requires regional cooperation, and the most feasible way is to cooperate with Hengqin. Through the in-depth regional cooperation agreement between Macao and Hengqin, it can connect both domestic and overseas, and truly integrate the diversified economic growth of Macao with the overall development of the country. We should make good use of Macao’s economic and social characteristics, community culture and local industry advantages, gradually optimize Hengqin’s comprehensive talent environment, build a comprehensive platform for cooperation between Macao and Hengqin, and establish a mechanism for high-level talents services.

Therefore, we can consider the following specific suggestions.

1. It is proposed that the governments of Guangdong and Macao establish a permanent working committee on all-round cooperation between Macao and Hengqin. This government-level committee may be set up under the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leading Group and hold quarterly executive meetings in order to submit any good policy advices to the central government.

2. In addition to government-level committees, direct communication working groups and platforms for various industries should be established. For example, the establishment of Macao-Hengqin talent innovation and creative service station and high-level talent development and promotion association has accelerated the interaction and cooperation with Hengqin at all levels.

3. We will step up efforts to build a job training market and other platforms so that more Macao people have the opportunity to work in Hengqin. We are concerned about the Zhuhai-Macao skills cooperation mechanism to be established in Zhuhai and the needs of local enterprises in Macao. Creat a good working atmosphere, so that Macao people really want to develop in Hengqin.

4. We encourage elites and experts from all industries to make good suggestions for the development and cooperation between Macao and Hengqin to help the governments with policy planning. The governments should establish a sound consultation mechanism so that the experts and scholars can play active roles.

5. Promote youth innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and encourage professionals to assist the development of Hengqin’s comprehensive tourism industry and the interaction between Macao and Hengqin. Introduce specific cooperation projects and formulate specific contents of annual cooperation plan. Through specific projects, the development of the enterprise and its future expansion in Hengqin will be closely linked, and proper policies, sufficient land and institutional advantages will be utilized to form a real integrated transformation and upgrading of industry in Macao and Hengqin.

6. Attract talents from Macao to the actual positions of Macao-Hengqin enterprises. It is suggested that the specific proportion of managers of large enterprises in cooperation with Hengqin or settled in Hengqin should be set for Macao people, and the salary, treatment and welfare should refer to the standard of Macao job market. Optimize the measures for the convenience of work in Hengqin and consider the further convenience of Macao people working in Hengqin with special immigration procedures.

7. Provide appropriate preferential policies to help Macao college students find jobs in Hengqin, and let these students gradually adapt to the working and living environment in Hengqin. At the same time, we can focus on the mainland students who are studying in Macao and attract them to settle down in Hengqin as a new force of construction in the future.

Stanley Kan, Director of Macao Youth Association of Patriotic Education, President of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Aviation Exchange Association.